Margaret Mead

Creating Wellbeing Project
About the project
The progressive ageing of the population has led to the development of multiple forms of intervention to improve the quality of life. Research on the subject has shown that creative strategies can improve the emotional situation and alleviate or slow down cognitive decline to some extent.
Despite the physical and psychological dependence that older people may have, they retain the specific traits inherent to the person: uniqueness, autonomy and will. We can say that man does not only live, but also coexists; therefore his relationship and communication with others is necessary.
The use of different strategies for the development and motivation of the creativity, skills and abilities of the workers in the homes where older people are living to help them cope better with sadness, fear, anxiety and loneliness by encouraging personal development.
Our aim is to encourage and develop creativity in all people working in care home settings with older people to help effectively combat the sadness, fear, loneliness and anxiety of older people caused by COVID19 by providing concrete and specific responses to each person’s situation.